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A Warehouse-Like Office

By Liz Teoh

In the world of media and influencers, receiving media gifts from brands is a common practice. As part of our role in disseminating press releases, we often receive a number of media kits that are generously provided by brands. Sometimes, these kits are beautifully packed into boxes and sent to us, adding to the growing pile of products in our office.

Our office is in a mess. Thinking on how we can keep it tidy
Our office is in a mess. Thinking on how we can keep it tidy

Recently, a client of ours, has been showering us with an abundance of products. The influx of boxes made it feel as though our office was transforming into a bustling warehouse. However, we were unable to start packing and disseminating until the arrival of an important element of the packaging. Packing can be an enjoyable task, provided it is done leisurely. It becomes a daunting and stressful task when faced with numerous deadlines. Packing 100

media kits has proved to be no simple feat with many deadlines fast approaching. Contrary to popular belief, assembling a media kit involves more than just placing products into boxes and calling it a day. Each kit required a meticulous process with as many as seven steps, surpassing even the five basic steps of a skincare routine

for healthy skin.

One kit, 7-steps
One kit, 7-steps
A complete look of the PR kit
A complete look of the PR kit

Fortunately, we had the assistance of our part-timers who lent us a helping hand. Thanks to their support, we were able to focus on our pressing tasks while they diligently packed the media kits. On the first day, Damia and I found ourselves

packing non-stop with only one helper who relentlessly packed 50 kits alone. Without their invaluable help, we would have likely resorted to camping in the office to meet the three-day deadline, as we had fallen slightly behind schedule.

As I reflect on this experience, I can't help but make a small wish to any fairies or kind souls out there who may be listening. Please spare us from media kits that require an extensive number of steps to pack in the future. While we appreciate the thoughtfulness and effort put into creating these kits, our limited time and resources often make such endeavours challenging. Nonetheless, we will continue to adapt and navigate these situations, ever grateful for the support we received.

Thanks to the assistance of our elves
Thanks to the assistance of our elves
Packing kits into a box to keep the office tidy
Packing kits into a box to keep the office tidy

And so, the warehouse-like atmosphere gradually subsided as the media kits were finally packed and sent out, fulfilling our commitment to the client and allowing us to return to our regular office routine. Until the next influx of media gifts, we eagerly anticipate the next adventure that awaits us in the dynamic world of media and influencers.

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