By Esther Koh

We had roughly three weeks to four weeks to prepare for a major launch event for NARS, featuring
the introduction of their highly anticipated Powermatte Lipstick shade extension. The event was held
at Pavilion Centre Court, aiming to accommodate approximately 200 attendees, comprising
members of the media, celebrities, and influencers.
The excitement around NARS on social media, particularly among local influencers, fuelled my
enthusiasm for spearheading the launch. Nevertheless, the magnitude of the event caught me off
guard, marking it as the most substantial launch I have ever overseen.
In our office, there’s a motto that resonates with us: “Don’t think, just do”, coined by our colleague.
Remembering this motto, I jumped into action as soon as the event was confirmed. Fortunately, the
client had provided us with a comprehensive list of influencers that they had collaborated with in
the past, making it easier for us to manage.
After diligent follow-ups, we successfully secured over 200 RSVPs.
The preparatory work got off to a chaotic start, but we quickly regained control and everything
proceeded smoothly from that point. I had a chance to catch up with influencer friends and the
highlight that evening for me, was getting a photo taken with one of the mega influencers I have
been following on Instagram for some time.
While events can be exhausting, they also bring immense joy and satisfaction. Knowing that
everyone enjoyed their time and that we successfully executed the event, made all the hard work